Today after church Morgan and I went to a local burger place to pick up lunch. As we were standing in line taking in all of the people I noticed a little boy about 7 years old sitting at a table with the ever familiar little black pouch, testing his blood sugar. I think that this is the first time in 3 1/2 years that I have seen another child checking their blood sugar. I told Morgan "Look, look" His smile was wide. I told him he should go up and talk to him. Morgan was actually pretty nervous. He wanted to, but didn't know how to approach the boy. I gave him some suggestions but ultimately Morgan went out to the car, got his meter and came in and checked his own blood sugar. I told him he should go up and say something like "Hi, I saw you checking your blood sugar, I check mine too". Well he did just that. The boys mom asked about Morgan's pump and other stuff, but in the end thanked Morgan for coming up and saying hi. Her son had said 'I'm not the only one' and it really made her day.
I know as a parent sometimes I feel alone in this, especially in the early "daze" but I took comfort in knowing that I was not the only parent up at 2 or 3 in the morning checking blood sugars. Counting down 5..4..3..2..1...praying that the meter would give me a good number so I would not have to treat a low, only to have to check again in 15 minutes and again in 15. Places like TuDiabetes, Children with Diabetes and my wonderful sister-in-law who helped out in the beginning and even now 3 1/2 years into diagnosis. It can feel like 'we are the only ones' but we are never really alone.
10 months ago