just a couple of Morgan's blood sugar readings from last night/early this morning.
You see, his numbers have been awesome this week. Hardly any highs, maybe 1 or 2 lows.
I knew to be on the lookout. Numbers like the ones he has been having usually come at a price.
He went to bed with a blood sugar of 109 mg/dL after having 'dessert' but with about 4 units of insulin still coursing through his system, so I knew that we would need to check him in a couple of hours.
When Pat came to bed at 11:30 (2 hours later) he checked Morgan and was clocked in at 56. We give him 4 glucose tabs.
A re-check at 11:45 shows a whopping...58. I give him 4 glucose tabs and found another one in his sheets....he only got 3 the first treatment.
12:00 AM check....60....4 glucose tabs.....I really hope this ends soon and without the help of glucagon. Turn down the basal rate on his pump to about 50%.
12:15....54... O.M.G.... I really am praying at this point.
4 more glucose tabs and a sip of milk....his mouth has got to be like chalk dust. I'm not sure how much more sugar he can eat and am seriously considering giving him a little glucagon.
12:30...94....FINALLY....1 cup of milk and 2 peanut butter crackers.
Final count: 15 glucose tablets.. or about 60 grams of glucose. YUCK.
He woke up this morning with a blood sugar of 178, which is really quite impressive since he had 50% of his basal insulin all night long and there really wasn't a 'rebound' from his overnight low.
In the mornings, I always check his blood sugar and bolus for him. He always eats the same amount of carbs so I can get away with this and it kills 2 birds with one stone: 1) I can pre-bolus him to help with his breakfast spike and 2) it actually forces him to get out of bed!
So, this morning after I checked his glucose I was greeted with a much needed hug and a "you are the best Mom, thanks for taking care of me, I love you!"
Diabetes is that way. Keeps us guessing and on our toes.
Note to self: buy more glucose tablets and make sure glucagon is up-to-date.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
56, 58, 60....
Posted by Tonyia at 4:16 PM 1 comments
Labels: Diabetes, Low Blood Sugar, Morgan
Saturday, April 21, 2007
After Pat ran his first Marathon in 2003 he said that he would never run another. He was sick to begin with and I don't even know how he finished.
Fast forward 3 years ...he had heard about the Walt Disney World Marathon. This was supposed to be the Happiest Marathon in the World. So he tells me to sign him up. Mind you that I have been trying to get him to go to Orlando for many years and he just wasn't going to go for a trip to WDW.
We went, he ran and fun was had by all.
Before we left Florida, we even talked about going back in 2008, but those plans were nixed after our fiasco trying to get home.
After a cooling off period of several months, Pat decided he needed another goal. And Marathons seem to fit the bill.
You see he would love to have his PhD, but doesn't really want to go back to school. He would love to move & change jobs, but that isn't going to happen for at least 6 more years. So now his thing is Marathons.
He thought about going back to Florida and running Disney again, but I'm not so sure I want to head back so soon. And he really hasn't pushed for me to sign him up.
So while we were at the Henley High School Booster Auction last night he bid on, and won, an entry into the Crater Lake Rim Run. This is supposed to be a tough race: steep hills and altitude.
His ultimate goal is to run Boston....
but he has to let his age catch up to his time to qualify!
Posted by Tonyia at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Track Season Too!

Posted by Tonyia at 2:15 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Spring in the Basin

Posted by Tonyia at 2:04 PM 0 comments
When I started this blog I thought "No problem, this will be easy & fun". Well, it can be fun, but it definitely isn't easy. I have a difficult time keeping up with laundry and now that it has been warm enough outside, the weeds are starting to take over. So I apologize to all those who visit and still have to read about Morgan's testosterone levels!! I am working on an update with pictures and everything!
Posted by Tonyia at 1:51 PM 0 comments