This week has busy for the boys and not necessarily busy by means of school work. Morgan had finals on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday his school had their 'rewards party' for those kids who didn't have any detentions and Thursday there will be a school dance and BBQ.
Lucas had a field day on Monday. Tuesday was a pool party and BBQ.
Wednesday was 6th grade graduation and a 6th grade party after school.
Thursday will be the school BBQ.
Tell me...Why can't school finish up at the end of May? I can quite honestly say that they really haven't done any true school work for almost 2 weeks.
Morgan wasn't able to go go to his reward party because he got a detention last week. For talking. Which is no surprise, but...he has been talking all year. The teacher even said so, on every one of his progress notes and report cards. So why a detention now?
So instead of sitting at school, watching TV and doing crossword puzzles in class, I made him perform community service and serve punch at Lucas' graduation.
He had a great time, I think he would even say so.
Morgan especially can't turn down a beautiful brunette with big brown eyes!
10 months ago
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