That is what it has felt like since I got back from China. After spending the first 2 days doing nothing but sleeping to recover from jet lag, among other ailments, it has been non-stop going. That first week back Morgan did a CAD camp at Kingsley Field and had a blast. He did have to be there by 9am which was pretty hard on my recuperating system. He made a space-ship flashlight that is really cool. Hopefully, he will keep his mind open to future CAD opportunities.
The next Sunday I took Lucas up to Oregon State for Baseball camp! What a great time. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to stay as a camper, so I stayed in Corvallis until Thursday, taking him back and forth to camp. It was tiring, but worth it.
We got back on Thursday and Pat took the boys on Friday and headed to Lucas' "annual Birthday-fishing-fest"! They fished the Umpqua River for bass and had a great time fishing, watching bald eagles, and osprey...getting home on Saturday.Bald Eagle.
An Osprey, fishing with the guys!
Got it!
Lucas LOVES fishing!
We then turned around on Sunday (today) and drove Morgan and a couple of friends up to Salem for basketball camp. Whew....11 hours of driving in 1 day....and we get to do it again when we pick him up on Thursday.
I think we will be done traveling for the rest of the summer....I am beginning to feel a little edgy about getting in the car...almost like I did when I thought about getting on another airplane.
After I downloaded the camera's I found some pictures that were taken when the cousins were over. Pat said he almost lost an eye on the drum-set. Rough looking crew first thing in the morning.
10 months ago
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