For 2 years we have never had any problems in the school system with Morgan and diabetes. For 2 years he has been able to take care of himself and do what he needs in order to survive. That has been put to the test the past 3 weeks. Unfortunately, one of his teachers only sees things in Black & White, there is no gray area in her line of sight. With diabetes, everything is gray. Especially for a boy in the throws of puberty where control of blood sugars can be a crap shoot.
We decided this year that we were going to have a 504 Plan put in place for Morgan. A 504 is a plan that the school and teachers have to legally follow. It allows special accommodations to kids with disabilities. Like being able to test your glucose whenever and where ever you need to, going to the bathroom, getting a drink, going to the office, ALL without penalty. We had a 504 meeting on Tuesday and everyone was on board and agreed with all of the accommodations that I wanted for Morgan. Or so I thought. The next day incident number 2 occurred. Just one teacher, 3 incidents in 3 weeks. Who he has for 2 periods every day.
It is very frustrating for all of us. Morgan has been very responsible regarding his care and has never abused the privileges he needs in school, so this is frustrating for him and brought him to tears yesterday.
On one hand, I want her to understand and make her see that diabetes is never black & white but on the other hand this is my son's life. We have already made the decision to move him out of her classes at the semester, but I think we need to do it sooner than that.
Please keep us in your prayers.
10 months ago
Ugh, how frustrating! Some people just don't get it. I, on the other hand, am having problems getting a parent to come in. Her son is in my PE class and I want him to carry glucose tablets instead of leaving them in his backpack. We walk up to the track about twice a week, which is at the elem. school, and I am worried about him not having anything to treat his lows. For now I'm bringing my tablets, but I want him to be responsible and her to worry!
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