Lucas has been busy with baseball. 3 games a week and so far they are undefeated...go Mariners (KBLL Mariners)~I have no idea how many games they have played. Morgan is busy with High School Basketball and football leagues right now. He goes to FB practice after school (3-5) and then basketball from 5-7. Then home for homework and feeding! With Morgan now participating in sports at the high school level, I have to make sure that everyone is on the same page with regards to his diabetes. I have been spoiled the last year! Everything was already in place from the previous year and I didn't have to really do anything! On a positive note: it looks like our wonderful district nurse, may be moving up to the high school position and we will have her full time at school!
Lucas Catching.
The boys managed to get to a Superchic concert that was held in town...I stayed home for some peace and quiet!
Pats guitar signed by Superchic
I have been making decisions about the kitchen remodel. We finally have the cabinets ordered and work will/maybe start after July 1. Here is a sneak peek of what will be going on:

Flooring is still up in the air. I am just not ready to make that decision yet. Flooring is so expensive when you have someone else put it in. I can put in the laminate planks and stuff, but we are not sure that is what we want in the kitchen. If we put it in the kitchen, it will probably go through the dining room and down the hallway, so we need to make a decison about that! I hate decisions!
Pat had a conference a couple of weeks ago and wanted the boys and I to tag along. Las Vegas was quite an experience and not something I ever want to do again. The weather was REALLY hot...upper 90's low 100's and to coin a phrase from a friend...."when we left, I was afraid to turn around for fear of turning into a pillar of salt". I don't see how that can be proclaimed a family vacation area?!?!?
It has been raining here, pretty much non-stop for 4 days! Maybe the sun will come out soon.
I'm jealous....I'm the Superchic fan at my house.
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