on being selected for Federal jury service. I have never served jury duty, ever. It always sounded interesting and I thought I would actually look forward to it when the time came for me to serve. But, this service was in Federal Court. In Medford. At 8am on aWednesday. I dug my heels in. I went, along with about 8-10 other people from here. The process for selection was nothing like it is on TV. It took about 4 hours to select a jury of 13 (12 jurors plus 1 alternate). 4 of us were from Klamath.
Fortunately it only lasted 2 days, we found the defendant guilty: a felon in possession of a handgun. I later found out that this was a recurring problem for this guy. He is now looking at 15 years to life in prision.
10 months ago
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