Morgan tries very hard to keep his blood sugar 'in range' for his basketball games. He knows that he plays much better when he does. But sometimes that other hormone called adrenaline rears its ugly head. For Morgan adrenaline causes a major rise in his blood sugars. We can always anticipate an increase in his blood sugars when he plays basketball. Always. We have found that if he goes into a game in the very low 100's he will typically have decent numbers through his game. Last night was very unusual for him. He started his pre-game at 116, in 15 minutes climbed to 170, 30 minutes later 295 and climbing finally reaching a high of 343, in 1 hour. Needless to say, he did not get to play the second half of his game. At all. He was frustrated and giving insulin to counteract the rapid rise in blood sugar.
We discussed what we could do to help him get those high's down faster. So we decided to try a new insulin, Apidra, which is marketed to work faster than his usual insulin. We will have it on hand for his next game, just in case.
As to what could have caused that adrenaline rush of high blood sugars? It could have been that instead of the brake, he stepped on the gas pedal of the van as he was trying to park the car before the game. I know I had an adrenaline rush!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The High Price of Adrenaline
Posted by Tonyia at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
My Ebenezer
1 Samuel 7:12 (New Living Translation)
12 Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means “the stone of help”), for he said, “Up to this point the Lord has helped us!”The Ebenezer stone was meant to be a visible reminder of God's faithfulness to the Israelites. I have been thinking about Ebenezer Stones in my life lately. Times in my life when God has proven His faithfulness to me. Times when His hand has guided my life down the path that HE has for me; not the one I thought I wanted. There are 2 rather large stones that really stand out to me. I am sure there are more smaller stones along my path that I have yet to fully give God the glory for.
The first large stone is when I met Pat. My amazing husband of almost 20 years. 20 years. I have been with Pat longer than I lived under the care of my parents. What a blessing. When I met Pat I was still in college, just broken up with a boyfriend that I had clung to for over 2 years. I thought I had a lot vested in that relationship and wasn't sure that I was ready to "rebound" into another relationship. But this Pat guy was very persistent. He knew what he wanted, even if I didn't! God worked His plan and somehow I just followed along, almost blindly. What an amazing journey. Pat and I were married almost 10 months after we first met. There were many people in my life at the time who thought I had lost my mind, but I was not worried, I was never nervous: I felt sure that this is what I was supposed to be doing, even if at the time I wasn't giving God the glory.
My second stone has just recently been erected. I raised this stone just last week, after the death of my dad. God has always been faithful to me, God will always be faithful to me. I have tried for so many years to be a daughter to my mother. To have a relationship based on mutual respect and friendship. For so many years I have tried to work on that relationship, only to have it thrown back in my face in the most hurtful of ways. When my dad died, I had not spoken to my mom in almost a year. Now I was going to have to face this person who disliked me so much. But you know what? It didn't matter once I gave God control. I don't need human approval, God loves me, God will take care of me, God is ALWAYS faithful. God has His plan and I should not be trying to do things MY way, but trying to seek God's will in everything I do. Once I gave my non-existent relationship with my mother up to God....I have had a huge burden lifted from my shoulders! Thank you Jesus!
I want to listen and hear my LORD. I want to give Him glory in all aspects of my life. I want to to follow blindly, firmly knowing that He is forever faithful. I want to rejoice in the path that He takes me. I want to know what exciting things He has planned for my life and I want to see those small Ebenezer stones that will line my path.
Posted by Tonyia at 9:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: Ebenezer Stone, Faithfulness
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Yummy! Around here, we love potstickers. Pat and I tried to make them years ago when we lived in Seattle and they just did not turn out like we expected them to. So we would either just buy the big bag from Costco, or wait until we went to Chinese to have them.
Well, there is a blog that I just love to follow. This gal is an amazing cook and she just happens to be Chinese as well. She posted about cooking potstickers and I thought 'I am going to try those'. I did and the filling was absolutely delicious. The dough, on the other hand left a lot to be desired. I used store bought, pre-cut pasta for them...they did turn out on the frail side. But the taste was still really good. I even had enough left over to freeze.When I get my Kitchenaid stand mixer back from the repair shop, I am going to give this another go with homemade dough!
Posted by Tonyia at 9:05 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Long ago, I quit staying up to ring in the New Year. I am just no good the next day if I stay up late the night before. So new year's eve is just another night to me. In bed early and up early!
I am also not one to make 'new years resolutions'. Too much pressure and disappointment when I don't keep them. But I do have one goal that I AM going to complete for 2009. Something I have not yet done but really need to accomplish. I am going to read my Bible, cover-to-cover.I bought a daily Bible last October in hopes to get started. But I was too far behind and wanted to start from Genesis and work to Revelations. Not start in Corinthians. So today I will get started. Pat on the other hand has done a remarkable job and has stuck with it....way to go babe!
Posted by Tonyia at 8:12 AM 0 comments