Yummy! Around here, we love potstickers. Pat and I tried to make them years ago when we lived in Seattle and they just did not turn out like we expected them to. So we would either just buy the big bag from Costco, or wait until we went to Chinese to have them.
Well, there is a blog that I just love to follow. This gal is an amazing cook and she just happens to be Chinese as well. She posted about cooking potstickers and I thought 'I am going to try those'. I did and the filling was absolutely delicious. The dough, on the other hand left a lot to be desired. I used store bought, pre-cut pasta for them...they did turn out on the frail side. But the taste was still really good. I even had enough left over to freeze.When I get my Kitchenaid stand mixer back from the repair shop, I am going to give this another go with homemade dough!
10 months ago
Good, you can make them for us the next time we come down:)
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