I have thought many times that I would try to blog everyday, every-other-day or at least on a regular basis; but I just don't have anything that interesting or thought provoking to blog about! But just when I think my life is pretty boring, at least to someone on the outside-looking-in, we have some interesting things happen. Not that any of this is interesting to anyone outside, but it is something to blog about!
We have a small town political storm brewing here in Klamath county. Whether or not to merge the 2 school districts. It pretty much has created "them vs. us" and Lucas was joining the 'Vote No on the merger" rally for a walk down Main St to gather at the Court House. I think he was just going to hang out down town! My assumption was proven correct when he phoned and said it was pretty boring, they were going to hang out downtown for a while.
My little protester.

Morgan is almost finished with basketball. So far, the freshman team is 17-1, 10-1 in league play and we have 1 game left. I asked Morgan if he ready for basketball to be over and he looked at me like I had 2 heads....'I love basketball mom, why would I want it to be over?'....uh, because I am ready for Spring? Blood sugars have been tough. What works this week, won't work the next and I really need to check his over night basal rates. Checking his rates during basketball is really futile because there is so much change. Game night is different from practice nights and we just try to temporarily adjust as we can. A few nights over the past week or so he has woke up with some high blood sugars...250+, which, to me means that he has had a rebound from a low blood sugar. Asking Morgan if he had a low during the night gets me no information. He just say's 'No', I don't think he wakes up from his lows, he just sleeps through them. Well, when I went in to check him the other morning I found this....
It confirmed that at least he had a low that night. He chewed up the top to a tube of glucose tablets thinking it was a glucose tablet, we are fortunate that he didn't choke on the thing while trying to treat his low blood sugar! He has his final game on Tuesday. I think I will start testing his rates next week. When I test Morgan's basal rates, I will typically check his blood sugars every couple of hours over night. This will tell me if he is getting too much insulin...low blood sugars, or too little...high blood sugars. I can then adjust his insulin pump accordingly.
We seem to have also found the magic bullet if you will regarding his high blood sugars during games. Adrenaline always causes Morgan to spike during games and he has been very wary to start a game with too much active insulin flowing through his system. During a recent game he had about 5 units of active insulin at the beginning of the game and he never went above 150. AND he played great. So the key for Morgan is to have a few units of active insulin at the start of the game and monitor alot during. Better late than never!
Pat is sick again with a nasty virus settling in his chest. Please pray that he gets over this bug quickly!
By the way, I am voting against the merger
Okay, I know it could've been dangerous, but I did LOL when I saw the cap of the glucose bottle chewed up. I'm right there with you Morgan!
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