Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mud Run

Yesterday was the 6th Annual Mazama Mud Run.  This is a fun race that Mazama High School hosts that draws schools from all over Southern Oregon and Northern CA.  There were 2 mud pits, a smaller one that people ran through twice and a much larger one that they ran through 3 times.  Morgan ran in the boys JV race, which was the 3rd race, so by the time he got there is was a thick, soupy pit.

Before the race...
nice and bright

The larger of the 2 pits.  This one was about waist deep.  The uphill side was very steep and after a few races was a very slippery slope.
When the runners came through, it reminded me of those scenes on TV when the wildebeast are crossing the river avoiding the gaitors and it is just mass chaos.

The second time through, cannonballs and flips are typically the norm.  Morgan performing a front flip, and yes I was worried that something would get broken!
You definately do not want to stand too close to the pit, nor do you want to be wearing anything light colored.
Fun after the race!
Morgan ran this race 3 years ago a few days before his diabetes diagnosis


Toni said...

Looks like fun! How's Morgan liking Cross Country? Kellen has his first meet tomorrow. By the way, the kitchen looks great!

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