Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And so it begins

My contractor came by on Monday and took me for a ride.  I was afraid he was going to tell me he couldn't do my kitchen.  Well, as it was he can't start on it for a few more weeks and was just showing me what he is currently working on. But he did say that I could get the cabinets delivered and start doing some demolition. 

So I cleaned out the garage and made room.
The 20 or so boxes take up half of the garage.
Then Lucas and I started tearing down wall board.

We had a couple of surprises, wasp nests, but nothing else.

The demo pile wasn't too bad either.

Can't wait to get this little beauty installed!
The electrician and plumbers have been by and they are going to be great to work with.  They understand my need to get my washer and dryer re-connected in the old kitchen ASAP.  


Toni said...

Several weeks, huh? Doesn't he know you are priority??? Glad the wasp nests were empty when you found them.

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