We traveled over the hill with a friend for a concert last night, to watch couple of my favorite christian bands: Mercy Me & Casting Crowns. I can barely listen to either one of these groups without tears. Their music always touches my heart and it did last night. As we were waiting for MM I saw a man standing back stage (we were in the 2nd row) and immediately noticed his T-Shirt: Black with a white hand print, red dot on a finger. I instantly knew what that was about and was set on trying to find out more i.e. trying to read the fine print. When the band came out, it was the drummer for MM who was wearing the shirt! As the set progressed I learned more. Bart Millard, who is the lead singer, shared that his son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was 2 year old, Sam is now 5 so he was diagnosed about the same time Morgan was. Bart then started the Imagine a Cure Organization. That was the T-shirt I spotted. I am now on a mission to get my hands on a few.
So not only were the tears flowing from the beauty of their songs, but now also for another family who has to bear the struggles of this life-long disease. A sense of connection with another parent who has been where I have been: sleepless nights, constant worrying. I don't let myself get wrapped up in the pity party of diabetes and Morgan doesn't either. It is, what it is and I can't do anything about it, if I could, I would have. God has a greater purpose and maybe some day he will let us know what that purpose is. But in the meantime we just allow God's glory to shine through and give him the praise in both good times and bad.
10 months ago
Thanks for sharing Tonyia. I am going to look further into this too, and may "steal" some of your post:)
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