Saturday, April 28, 2007

56, 58, 60....

just a couple of Morgan's blood sugar readings from last night/early this morning.

You see, his numbers have been awesome this week. Hardly any highs, maybe 1 or 2 lows.

I knew to be on the lookout. Numbers like the ones he has been having usually come at a price.

He went to bed with a blood sugar of 109 mg/dL after having 'dessert' but with about 4 units of insulin still coursing through his system, so I knew that we would need to check him in a couple of hours.

When Pat came to bed at 11:30 (2 hours later) he checked Morgan and was clocked in at 56. We give him 4 glucose tabs.

A re-check at 11:45 shows a whopping...58. I give him 4 glucose tabs and found another one in his sheets....he only got 3 the first treatment.

12:00 AM check....60....4 glucose tabs.....I really hope this ends soon and without the help of glucagon. Turn down the basal rate on his pump to about 50%.

12:15....54... O.M.G.... I really am praying at this point.
4 more glucose tabs and a sip of milk....his mouth has got to be like chalk dust. I'm not sure how much more sugar he can eat and am seriously considering giving him a little glucagon.

12:30...94....FINALLY....1 cup of milk and 2 peanut butter crackers.

Final count: 15 glucose tablets.. or about 60 grams of glucose. YUCK.

He woke up this morning with a blood sugar of 178, which is really quite impressive since he had 50% of his basal insulin all night long and there really wasn't a 'rebound' from his overnight low.

In the mornings, I always check his blood sugar and bolus for him. He always eats the same amount of carbs so I can get away with this and it kills 2 birds with one stone: 1) I can pre-bolus him to help with his breakfast spike and 2) it actually forces him to get out of bed!

So, this morning after I checked his glucose I was greeted with a much needed hug and a "you are the best Mom, thanks for taking care of me, I love you!"

Diabetes is that way. Keeps us guessing and on our toes.

Note to self: buy more glucose tablets and make sure glucagon is up-to-date.


Toni said...

bummer...I always hate when that happens. All that sugar and none of it gets to be chocolate! Seriously, it's frustrating.

I'll try and chat with you tonight. I saw my endo yesterday and wanted to share some thoughts.

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