Saturday, May 5, 2007

Visiting Orphans


In February, my sister-in-law Toni asked me if I would be interested in traveling to China with her to do short-term missions work. It took me a good couple of weeks to finally make my decision. I think the reason it took so long for me to decide was that I REALLY didn't want to say no, but was afraid to say yes. You see, I am very much a homebody and love staying home taking care of my boys. We had just returned from our vacation in Florida and the traveling was frustrating as usual.

But after I agreed to go, I felt really good, at peace, it just seemed like what I was supposed to do. However, I do worry about how my boys are going to handle 10 days without me, but I suppose I will be just fine and deal with the chaos when I return. Mike (Toni's husband) and their kids will hook up with Pat and the boys and they can commiserate together.

The agency that we will be traveling with is called Visiting Orphans. The area we will be working is the Liaoning Province in Northeast China in a city called Chaoyang. It is amazing how in a country as big as China, it is difficult to find much information on this area.


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