Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Finishing up and moving on

Pat has taken to hiking the hills around our house and trying his hand at some beautiful pictures.  Well, they would be really beautiful if the sky's were not cloudy with smoke from the burning fields.  Mount Shasta is out there somewhere.

Morgan had his last cross country race this past Saturday, for which he is very thankful.  He finished pretty good and actually lost a few seconds on his time.

Lucas is having fun hiking around with dad and Lena, scoping out hiding spots.
Fall is in full swing.  My favorite time of the year.  I love all the color that the trees have and all I have to do is look out my front window.
My wonderful tile guy came by today and started laying tile in the entry.  He told me that it could be classified as a 'foyer' now, it seems so big.  We are putting an 8 inch dark brown border around it...that is the dark tile in the upper left corner of the picture.


AmyT said...

Nice pix, thanks!

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