Thursday, January 24, 2008


I have visited China Town in San Francisco before, but this time I had new-found appreciation for the sights and smells.  For brief moments I was back in Chaoyang, thinking about the kids there and what they were doing.  The shops that we went to in Chaoyang seem much more modern and westernized than some of the shops we went to in ChinaTown.  It was particularlly fun going into little restaurants and know a little bit about the food as most likely we had eaten something similar for breakfast, lunch or dinner in Chaoyang.

The boys and I spent more time in the shops looking at the unique foods, trying to figure out what exactly they were.  
I was on a particular mission to find gifts for my nieces birthdays.  I did find some cute little purses, but I was specifically looking for a certain candy for Jaelyn.  Alas, I don't think it is something that is imported.  I asked many shop keepers, but they had no recollection of what I was searching for.


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