I thought I was getting over this nasty cold. In fact, on Friday I felt good enough to shovel the driveway not once, but twice. Things started going downhill after that. My back molar has been bothering me the past couple of days, but since I am a 'grinder' I thought I just needed to start wearing my brux guard again. That didn't help, in fact all of my right upper teeth started bothering me and by Sunday I was laid out flat...my teeth killing me, my ear hurting like the devil and it being too late to head to any doctor. But I was there first thing this morning...8am.Sinusitis and DOUBLE ear infection. My right ear hurts like heck, but the doc said my left ear looks worse...go figure. No wonder I haven't felt like doing anything other than laying around.
I now have my course of antibiotics and some cough syrup with codeine to help Pat sleep and hopefully I will feel better in a couple of days.
10 months ago
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