Morgan had a basketball tournament in Corvallis this weekend so we left on Friday to make the 4 hour trip. It had been snowing here when we left and we knew that it would take a little longer to get there. The roads were fine once we got out of town and onto the highway and actually made it in about 5 hours.
Diamond Peak

The tournament was a really fun one. The boys get to play some really good teams and we can see improvement all the time.

They had an early morning game Sunday, 8:30, so Morgan had to be up and have breakfast about an hour before the game so it was really no surprise that his blood sugar was 400+ right before the game. I am sure he was spiking from his breakfast AND he probably under bolused because he was going to be playing basketball soon, but 400+ is pretty high so he gave himself a few units of insulin just in case.
He didn't play much the first half because when he is that high it effects his game so when he checked at half-time imagine his surprise when his meter responded "HI". Not "HI" as in hello, but HI as in "I can't tell what your blood sugar is, HIGH". He lifts up his shirt and his infusion set is barely hanging on...Well we gave him boluses by syringe and got him down to reasonable levels soon enough.
The real excitement of the weekend also came on Sunday when we woke up to snow in Corvallis! It snowed most of the morning and there was about 4 inches in places. When it was time to leave for home our dilemma was not whether we should stay in town or not, but which road to take....we were sure highway 58 and 97 would be a mess(if it was snowing that hard in the valley, imagine what it was doing up there!), and at least along I-5 there were places to stay if we needed to. So I-5 it was.

Beautiful snow cover and cloud cover.

What were we thinking?
There is a downed tree right in the middle of the bend.

Trucks chaining up. I don't even know what mountain passes we were on. I couldn't find any signs...they were all buried.

The roads were terrible. You have heard those traffic advisories that tell you to stay home and off the road unless in emergency situations....well we should have stayed home...or in a hotel somewhere.

This is I-5, we are headed south an the other side is headed North. They were backed-up for about 5 miles while crews checked for chains, which were required headed north. We were pulled over at 7-Feathers casino and the highway was closed due to downed power lines. We were out for about 45 minutes before they started letting traffic back through.
Total, it took us 9 hours to get home. I know that one day, when he is older, Morgan will appreciate what his dad and I have gone through to get him to these basketball tournaments!
(Disclaimer: The driver of the vehicle wasn't snapping photos...the passenger was!)
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