Friday, February 29, 2008

Round 2

I have been layed out again with another rotten cold only this time had laryngitis for about 7 days and couldn't get any work done.  I am feeling better and finally caught up so I can do some blog posting!
Dealing with Morgan's diabetes and basketball has always been a 'trial-by-fire' thing.  We do what we know how to do, (control carbs, give insulin and pray) and hope that everything works out okay.  During the previous 3 tournaments we would watch his blood sugars sky-rocket into the 300 and 400's.  This was primarily due to being early morning games, 8AM and having eaten breakfast less than an hour before.  Adrenaline also causes his blood sugars to climb.  So the combination of the 2 was a sure fire way to end up playing basketball with high blood sugars.

At this last tournament, I asked Morgan if he could try to keep his morning carb intake to 50 grams.  You would have thought I asked him to chew off his left hand!  I tried to explain to him my reasoning and he agreed to give it a try.  so he limited his breakfast to fruit, potato's, and protein.

About 20 minutes before the start of his game, one of the other moms tell me that Morgan blood sugar is low!  WHAT?!?!?  When I ask him he was 59!  Go figure!  We finally got him up to a safe level, 130's I think, but he didn't start.  I told him that he was good to go, but he was still very wary.  

When he did go in, his mind was just not on the game.  He had passes hit him square in the chest that he missed, not 1 but 3.  It wasn't until halftime and his glucose over 200 that he finally became comfortable enough to play the game. 

Just when I think we have it all figured out, Diabetes shows me that it can still kick me in the pants!


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