Thursday, March 6, 2008


With all of the craziness of the winter months, basketball, basketball, rotten colds, basketball ( I think you get the picture) I have neglected downloading meter readings and pump information, for about....3 months ACK.  Well, I downloaded (or is it upload) his pump and was shocked at the blood sugar average...200+.  Time to hunker down and get cracking at some new settings.

It is hard to adjust his rates when he is so active, with sports and growing there is just no down-time to make adjustments and to be honest I just kept putting it off.  Until now.

Last night he went to bed with a decent number, 158, he had eaten and bolused  before he went to bed.  He did not have track after school, so I didn't worry about delayed hypoglycemia.  Maybe I should have.  When he woke up this AM, his blood sugar was 389.  Was it rebound?  My gut tells me it was, I woke up sometime last night and thought I should check him, but rolled over and went back to sleep.

I felt really angry this morning about it and someone told me 'he should be able to handle this, he is 14, cut the apron strings!'  I just let it slide, it is hard to explain to someone who doesn't really understand what it is like to live with this disease.  Morgan will have to live with this for the rest of his life, the least I can do is help him while he is here!

On  another note, Lucas has recovered from his bout of crud, a weekend of very high fever and 2 missed days of school.  Now Pat has it, he is in denial, he thinks its allergies!


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